Digital Asset
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A Smarter Way to Invest
Pokket is a bespoke service for those who are ready to make moves with the crypto they're HODLing, and want industry expertise to guide their decisions. Our trusted advisors have a thorough understanding of the crypto market and tailor your investment strategy to meet your goals. moves with the crypto they're HODLing, and want industry expertise to guide their decisions. Our trusted advisors have a thorough understanding of the crypto market and tailor your investment strategy to meet your goals.
Protecting Your Pokket
All systems of our infrastructure are built to secure and protect your assets and information.
We partner with Binance Custody to keep your crypto safe
Two-factor authentication is required to access your account
Secure identity verification process (KYC) ensures account authenticity
To move funds, multiple in-person checks are required
Every withdrawal is audited in person by at least two Pokket employees prior to processing

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